We have various three notice processes with template letters/notices to help you challenge masks, testing and vaxxes.

If you’re looking for the Mortgages and Liens Process, go here.



PUB’s Three Notice Processes


By popular and urgent demand, here lies PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK schools are insisting that children wear masks to continue their education.

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PUB’s three notice process to stop schools vaxxing kids

PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK schools will be offering the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to 12-17 year olds, despite the JCVI’s recent u-turn on its 15/07/2021 assessment that the risk outweighed the benefits of vaxxing anybody under 18.

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report your progress with school vaxx notices

If you’re a concerned parent or carer of a child attending a school in the UK which will be vaccinating pupils, and you’ve already sent all three notices, or are in the process of sending notices from PUB’s three notice process to the school, please report your progress to us.

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PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK care homes will be insisting that their employees take the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to continue working.

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pub’s three notice process to stop employers mandating vaxxes

PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK employers will be insisting that their employees take the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to continue working.

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Editable notices

Notice templates in MS Word for editing with your own details are included below.

There are three sets in each downloadable zipped folder – notices against schools/colleges/universities, employers and care homes.

Templates against Masks

Templates against Testing

Templates against Vaxxes



what is pub?

PUB is an acronym for People’s Union of Britain.

It is a Special Purpose Trust within UCT, acting as the ‘legal and lawful’ arm of UCT, for the purposes of challenging injustices and wrongdoings in the current system.




UCT Trustees/SCT Trustees and PUB will usually try our best to help you with any questions you have about UCT, Common Law, Trusts, fines, debts, etc.

We do not claim, however, to be experts in legal, lawful, financial or other matters, and the responsibility falls on you to research thoroughly any advice or suggestions we may offer in good faith, before you choose to act on the information.



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PUB’s Three Notice Process: Stop Schools Vaxxing Children

Report your progress here

If you’re a concerned parent or carer of a child attending a school in the UK which will be vaccinating pupils, and you’ve already sent all three notices, or are in the process of sending notices from PUB’s three notice process to the school, please report your progress here.

We’re collecting data on how many schools have been approached and what the outcomes are. We’re interested in all cases, regardless of whether you have had no responses from the school [assuming you’ve waited a reasonable period after sending each notice], or positive and/or negative responses.

Please copy and paste the following points into an email, then add the requested information, and send it to us at the email address via the Progress button below:

  1. Who referred you to PUB’s three notice process (leave out if you weren’t referred)
  2. Parent/carer name
  3. Name of school
  4. Whether school is Secondary or Primary
  5. Town/village the school is in
  6. UK county the school is in
  7. Whether Notice 1 sent – yes or no
  8. Whether reply received to Notice 1 – yes or no
  9. If additional authority was mentioned in the school’s reply (eg. NHS, Social Services, etc), please state which authorities
  10. Whether Notice 2 sent – yes or no
  11. Whether reply received to Notice 2 – yes or no
  12. If additional authority was mentioned in the school’s reply (eg. NHS, Social Services, etc), please state which authorities
  13. Whether Notice 3 sent – yes or no
  14. Whether reply received to Notice 3 – yes or no
  15. If additional authority was mentioned in the school’s reply (eg. NHS, Social Services, etc), please state which authorities
  16. Any other information you’d like to share with us

If you’re able to, it would be helpful if you also attached scans of any replies you’ve received from the school.

Email Us Here With Your Progress

After your first email, please email us again with any updates, such as another reply received from school, changes to your situation which affect the notice process, etc. You do not have to complete all the information again, just enough for us to match it to your previous record.

Thank you for your assistance.

Email Us Here If You Have Queries

What is PUB and how is it linked to UCT?

PUB is an acronym for People’s Union of Britain. It is a Special Purpose Trust within UCT, acting as the ‘legal and lawful’ arm of UCT, for the purposes of challenging injustices and wrongdoings in the current system.

Data Privacy

Any information you send to UCT/PUB data analysers and statisticians will be used only for generic statistics and reports about the notice process. We will not share your individual information with anyone, unless we have your express permission to do so.

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